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Homewood may develop land
While Homewood awaits completion of its senior center on part of a former
golf course, the City Council is considering what to do with the rest of the
land. Council President Ginger Busby referred the question last week to the
council's planning and development committee to determine whether the remaining
acres should be sold. The senior center, which is a few months from completion in West Homewood,
sits on the southern half of a former golf course along Oak Grove Road. The city
bought the 14 acres for $1.3 million three years ago but hasn't formally offered
proposals for the balance of the land. If the land is declared surplus, the city
could seek development proposals. "The committee will look at the cost that has been incurred by the city
in purchasing and clearing the property and set a minimum price that would have
to be paid if it was declared surplus," Busby said. During the 1990s, Homewood's senior population dropped 16 percent while the
overall population grew 9 percent. With only one sizable retirement community in Homewood, some city officials
have looked at developing the additional Oak Grove land with the goal of
stanching the flow of senior citizens to other cities. Nothing has been settled, Busby said, but some suggested a senior residential
development next door to the senior center. In other action, the council: Announced a hearing next Monday to turn the short segment of Saulter Road in
the 800 block into a one-way road headed north. Approved spending $6,483 to install a heating and air conditioning system in
the Homewood Community Center. Click The X in top/right browser
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News staff writer